The response has been great and we’ve just now reached twenty five attendees.
The limit we have is thirty so if you want to come make sure you drop us a line right now!
All the info you need is right here on the No More Sweden 2009 page.
Sign up!
Now it’s time to sign up for the event. It’s very simple, just send an e-mail to:
The information we need is:
- Name
- Artist name / internet nick
- Phone number
- Country
- Website / information on who you are, if that’s not evident
- If you know when you will arrive, write that too
Try to do this as soon as possible because space is limited! (early birds have priority)
Also PLEASE only register if you know for sure that you are coming, that will help us tremendously. Regarding beds — there are a few people living in Malmö that might have a few free beds over, tell us in the e-mail if you’re interested in getting one of these and we might be able to arrange that.
Finally — some of you might wonder when it all will start during the Thursday the 16:th. The answer is that some of us will be there from the morning (like 8-ish) so it’s just to drop in during the day. We will probably have some kind of arranged activity in the evening so make sure you’re there by then. Oh, and if you want to come on Wednesday the 15:th, people (like me!) are surely up for beer at any of Malmö’s numerous pubs so that shouldn’t be a problem 🙂
Best wishes,
Erik Svedäng, Martin Jonasson & Jens Bergensten
All is set!
Now the venue for the next No More Sweden has been set and it will be in Malmö at a place called MINC. It’s a really nice looking house in the harbor and it’s got plenty of space, tables, chairs and stuff. It’s also very easy to get there by all different means of traveling (flight goes to Kastrup which is ½ hour away with train).
The only negative thing about the venue is that we can’t really sleep there (but we can be there all night). The guys in Malmö have promised to house as many people as possible though, and there are also some nice hostels nearby (this for example, with path-finding) .

I think the whole event will work out really great, we will soon try to gather submissions so that we now exactly who is coming. Stay tuned!
Oh, and finally — big thanks to Martin who fixed this venue, great work!!!
Best wishes,
Deadline for place submissions set to 24th of May. Expect finalized information soon after that.
Best wishes,
To where, or not to where?
Ok, so we need to nail this one down. Where should No More Sweden 2009 take place? Since there are so many loose ends to this mess, I decided to create a simple table over the current options. You find it here:
If you have more information for the blank spots in the table, or if you have new additions, please reply to this post! Thanks!
// jeb
Date is set
July, 16 – 19
(that’s Thursday to Sunday)
Hi everybody,
Since I was mentioned in the previous post I feel that I have to write some kind of answer.
What I know:
The event will happen and it’s going to be in the middle/end of July, either 16 – 19th or 23 – 26th. That’s the time when most people are able to come according to the survey. Expect definitive dates within a few weeks.
What I don’t know:
Where the event will happen. The backup plan is the basement from last year. It has a few flaws though (no internet access for example!) so if someone knows about a good place, PLEASE TELL ME!
Finally I’d like to say that it’s awesome that so many people are interested in attending, especially from other countries! Contrary to what our silly name might suggest I really would like this to be an international affair, only that it’s a bit closer to my home than IGF.
If anyone got any questions, post them in the comments or e-mail me. Finally — huge thanks to Jens for setting this up, great job!
Take care,
Up and Running
Hey hey! Welcome to the No More Sweden information site! Took me a while to figure out all this wordpress stuff, but I found this cute skin, so now it’s all good again. I’ve also installed phpBB, just in case (“argh god damnit, not another bullentin board!”).
So… The big question is… why? Well, there could be many reasons, but here are mine:
- People email me and ask about No More Sweden. I tell them, “I don’t know anything, ask Erik,” and I have my suspicions that Erik doesn’t exactly know either. We will know something soon enough, though!
- Some information is posted at TIGSource, but not all NMS participants are frequent readers in those forums. Also, the signal-to-noise ratio has unfortunately worsened a lot lately. It’s fun, of course, but it can be hard to find out what’s going on sometimes.
- For people who won’t be attending, it could be nice to have somewhere to find pictures and maybe games created during the event. I know this is a long-shot, however, since it implies that somebody actually is going to keep this site updated after the event…
Anyway… expect some disturbances while we get this site up and running. Please contact me if you think you should be a moderator here, or simply want to post information about No More Sweden (or anything related to it).
// Jens Bergensten